Monday, April 7, 2008

Hell Day 1

training day 1

push up- 40+40+
pull up- 10+10+
chin up- 20+20+
hindu push up- 10+10+
inverted push up- 10+10+
half fullbody pull up- 20+20+

squat- 40+40+
jumping squat- 20+20+
walking squat- 20+20+
alternate jump squat- 20+20+

tip toe- 100+100+
tumit up- 150+150+

leg pull up- 20+20+
leg push- 50+50+
alternate leg pull up- 40+40+
squat lay up- 40+40+

dimond push up- 10+10+
alternating push up- 10+10+

back up- 40+40+
back leg up- 40+40+
back side ways- 20+20+

if you guys noticed, theres a + sign after the 2nd set..huhu.just cant go on.. it took me 2 hours just to finish one set. the 1st set was totally to my limit..and the 2nd one, i had to strugle! man i'm weak

well, tomorrow will be training outside with my new shoes..i bought an indoor sport shoe instead of running shoes..just to try em out and evaluate which is better

p/s: the names of my exercise is just what makes sense to me, but if you guys know the real names, do post em up through my comments.thanks


'adz said...

wow teroknya ya training dia utk wat parkour ni..hmm

Miss Mus said...

a'ahlah..teruknye training..